Product Info.


All orders are acknowledged via fax or e-mail. All changes must be confirmed in writing. All new or repeat orders will receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours from Alfa by fax or e-mail. It is your responsibility to follow up. Alfa will not be responsible for any delayed shipment due to the fact acknowledgement was not received.


All changes or cancellations of any order in process will be charged up to 100% of all costs incurred to date.


  1. Electronic File (E-Mail): Please provide IBM PC compatible format using Adobe Illustrator, EPS, TIF or Corel Draw file type (preferred) at 300 dpi or higher. All text must be converted to outlines (lines & curves).
  2. Camera-Ready: Please provide minimum 300% black & white art.
  3. Multi-Color Imprint: Please submit color separated art with registration marks for each color.
  4. Art Modification: Alterations to art, $40.00(v) per logo.
  5. Artwork is kept on file for 2 years maximum for repeat orders.


  1. Paper Proof: No charge up to 2 proofs. Please add 24 to 48 hours to the production proof of your order. Signature is required to begin production. All paper proof must be reviewed carefully. Alfa is not liable for any incorrect artwork or layout once it's approved. E ach additional proof will be charged $20.00(v)
  2. Product Proof: Highly recommended for large quantity order or PMS color matching order. $40.00(v) charge per color/position on laser or silkscreen plus product cost and shipping.P MS match will be $40.00(v) per color.
  3. Random/Blank Samples: With sufficient inventory, shipping within 48 hours and charged at end-quantity price plus shipping cost. Up to 3 pen samples can be requested at no charge if a shipping account is provided. All sample requests must be faxed to ensure accuracy.
  4. Repeat Orders: $25.00(v) per color/position. Please reference previous purchase order when placing orders.
  5. Personalization: Please submit a typewritten list or disk PC format, Microsoft Excel file) to ensure accurate spelling. $50.00(v) for set up charge, plus $1.00(v) laser running charge per name. File must be saved in the format (upper/lower cases etc.) to be lasered. Stock engraving style available: Arial, Times New Roman, Times- New Roman Italic
  6. E-mail paper proofs: PDF or JPEG (black & white) no charge up to 2 proofs. Each additional proofs is charged $20.00(v)
  7. E-samples: Actual production of samples e-mailed $40.00(v) will be charged. Production time is 2-3 days after art approvals. Repeat set up $25.00(v) will be applied after E-sample is approved.
  8. Virtual/Digital-samples: A computer generated sample in PDF or JPEG format via e-mail. Color and size my vary, this will not duplicate the actual outcome of the sample. $20.00(v) per sample. Production time is within 72 hours. An EPS artwork must be submitted.


  1. Black medium point ink refill is our standard refill color for all pens. Blue refill exchange is available upon request , please add $0.20(v) to insert per pen.
  2. Ballpoint refill (PK-Refill) can be upgraded to gel refill (Gel-Refill), please add $0.25(v) each for upgrade.